Again, a very long scribe, all gone.
All gone.
Baby refused to leave. Baby forcibly evicted.
Information about rebuilding Ukraine and how UK and France are funding their export credit banks so their businesses can benefit from it and people saying the US ExIm bank needs more funding so American businesses can benefit from it.
There was a business that said it was planning on leaving Ukraine before Russia reinvaded in 2022 because of the corruption and lack of transparency. When Russia invaded they decided to stay. Ukraine is deliberately working to be more transparent and less corrupt. They are glad they stayed.
Ukraine is on a hiring spree to fill >2000 judge vacancies and vet sitting judges. It is key to clearing a black log of cases and necessary to join the EU.
Systems in place will help it manage the rebuilding properly and without corruption and joining the EU will help make sure those systems are in place.
Long explanation of where and how I get the information on the Ukraine vs Russia conflict.
The manifesto was inspired by the massive disinformation about the Israel - Hamas war, disinformation that is leading to violence including the murder of a six year old Palestinian boy and calls for attacks against Jews rising 1200%.
Poland’s election is expected to improve its relations with the EU and Ukraine. This is bad for Russia.
My long explanation included a preference for citing UK or US sources. The UK says it is likely that Ukraine destroyed 14 Russian helicopters with its new Army Tactical Missile Systems (ATACMS) provided by the US. The UK explained that this is a really big loss for Russia.
A missile struck a Russian ammunition depot belonging to the Black Sea Fleet. This is part of Ukraine getting Crimea back. The Russian Telegram channel reported the strike. If the source is Russian but against Russian interests I’m more likely to consider it credible than if it is Russian and says something pro-Russian given the wacky lies Russia tells and the number of times Russia has been proven to lie.
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