Double Shot Mummy


Lean on me

We had a rare afternoon at home today, and what better thing to do than pull out the paddling pool and throw my children in. They just love it!

We had a bit of a face painting session. Feel free to giggle at my creations, (In case you can't work it out, Bailee is a pig and Oscar a tiger). Oscar and Bailee of course think I am the best artist ever.

It has suddenly dawned on me that Bailee is so content at the moment. She is the most consistently calm and joyful I have seen her for a long time. I don't know what it is, but her whinging has dramatically reduced and she is just alway laughing and smiling and frankly hilarious. She has an obvious sense of humour. We have been here 10 months, 3 weeks now. I am glad Bailee is so settled.

Oscar is having a hard time sleeping at the moment. As I write this he is sitting up with us in the lounge. He doesn't want to go to bed and says he is scared. He is quite timid at the moment. He is scared of "The big bad wolf", frightened in the night of the dark and has been in our bed the past few nights. I don't know how to help him with this apart from encourage and reassure him. I have explained that he is safe as we are watching out for him and only in the next room. He has loads of friends and is happy at nursery and generally a happy, fun boy. He has a good self esteem and knows what he is good at. I wonder if it is a phase. Any suggestions welcome!

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