Capturing my Journey

By thedoglady

Aurora time

Thanks to Dris needing out at 2am. I had had the notification before bed but thought nothing of it. When Dris woke me up I glanced out our bedroom window and could see it was strong. Because we have trees directly north in our yard it has to be strong Aurora to see it from the house. I stepped outside and it was coming overhead and waving and dancing. So we donned some layers and went out to enjoy the show. Didn't see any meteors from the shower. The dogs obliged by sitting still for the long exposure shot. I have a million other pictures! 

A beautiful frosty morning and we decided to sort out our storage which was a complete mess and make the raised beds for the garden to fill with soil before winter. Impressively we got all that done plus a bit of winterizing and tidying up and changed our water filters. A lovely sunny productive day! 

"Magic is believing in yourself, if you can do that, you can make anything happen." - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

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