Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

I’ll do anything …

… after a few drinks. Including cleaning the kitchen following a dinner party. TSM was impressed but then she had gone upstairs  and decided to put away a mountain of clean clothes so we were both industrious night workers. I think we got to bed about 1.30am. Unexpected bursts of energy …

It was actually a really lovely home cooked Thai meal and good to catch up with The Bears who were up from Devon for the weekend.

My day started with a double jabbing, for both flu and Covid. Not without its unpleasantness. I felt distinctly groggy by late afternoon.

We were on the receiving end of an astonishingly generous act of good Samaritanism at lunchtime when M&S had a wi-fi fail and we couldn’t pay for our shopping. Another customer offered to pay for our £36 worth of shopping and said not to worry about repaying her! We did of course, but I was blown away by her kindness. 

There is goodness in the world. We just forget it sometimes.

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