Longniddry Bents

Both still suffering with colds we stayed home and participated in the church service by Zoom - quite took us back to all those services during lockdown.

Most weekends we would see Miss Flum but, as she appears to be starting a cold (now we wonder if there is a common source...) she suggested that we meet 'somewhere outdoors'. What better to cure a cold than sunshine and sea air, which we found at Longniddry Bents. 

We met for a walk along the beach, with its streamlets, wavelets, rocks, shells, patterns in the sand (sometimes including the black of coal). A kite-surfer entertained us, dogs ran about (one actually playing football), gulls and curlew flew across the tideline and the breeze brought the fresh clean air to heal body and soul.

A coffee from Alandas and a seat on rocks, conveniently low (like the Walrus and the Carpenter but without the quantities of sand - or the oysters) before we went our separate ways, suitably refreshed.

Feeling better already but now it's time to wrap up well and peek outside in case there are any Orionids heading our way... .

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