
By cowgirl

Fossey has had the best afternoon

What a surprise for her - a trip to Dorset! Sadly the play date with Jack didn't go well, so we left him at home and went off with the horses. Emma's visiting Lou this week and has brought Beans' brother, Nelson, with her ( as well as her partner, Adam! ).

The girls were booked into a Cross Country practise session at a farm near Blandford to give their young horses some experience. I think Fossey enjoyed it the most though! As soon as we got there she wanted to be off the lead and as soon as I let her go she was off over the nearest obstacle! However, she soon realised I wasn't following her, so would only jump the other fences if I ran up to them with her. I reckon I had as much exercise as anyone during the hour and a half we were there!

I'll be getting the car valeted tomorrow, ready for the weekend. We don't want a repeat of THIS, do we?!

So you have a weekend off from me as our tent is without wifi, but there will be a deluge of Blips containing Morris Minors come Monday!

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