
By cowgirl

New lights!

When we were in Lyme Regis wandering around the shops we came across strings of balls of lights. Sav liked them a lot, so we went in and bought a set. You can choose your own colours and as we both like earthy colours we chose browns and greens with a smattering of pink and burgundy to warm it up.

We've had a phone call from the sales office today. They've reinstated all the incentives despite the devaluation, so we get the house with washing machine, fridge-freezer, dish washer, decent wood look flooring and the garden turfed. I'm pleasantly surprised, thought we'd have a big fight over this! All that and ten grand off the original asking price ( curtesy of our bank's surveyor who recommended the deval, bless him! ).

We're packing up the car and heading off up there in about an hour. Personally, I'm just excited at the prospect of seeing Mary!!!

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