Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR

The bridge of sighs....

Today I joined a group of parents from my older boys' school for a bicycle tour of Cambridge. This had been planned a few months ago so when I woke up and saw the overcast and blustery day, my heart sank.

An easy commute there by train, and I met up with my friend en route. We arrived in time to have an early lunch before we met the group at the appointed place - by now the wind was howling and it was raining. Pressing on, we collected our bikes, met our tour leader and set off, smiling as the rain had stopped and the sun had made an appearance.

We had a very interesting cycle along the banks of the River Cam, seeing all the boat houses and watching the teams rowing up and down the river as they were about to start the four day event of 'Bump Races'. We had to keep well to the left on all paths or else may have been mowed down by the fast pedalling students, hurrying off somewhere, who clearly had no time for a large group of old tourists. (One immediately feels old when surrounded by these bright young things!)

Then into the heart of Cambridge to see all the colleges. We stopped on this bridge and were in awe of this beautiful view of Kings College with a few punts and swans floating by. The tour leader called this bridge 'Orgasm Bridge' - something to do with working up a sweat to get to the peak and then going down again...I preferred my polite title of 'the bridge of sighs'

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