
By NightOwl45

A Quiet Monday, Recharging and Lurgy

After a more social than usual weekend which included going to see a friend’s band with my boyfriend and some warming food, I awoke at 2.40am with a raging sore throat and have been fending off a suspected throat lurgy all day. 

I swear I come down with something every time I am in larger groups of people. It has flared my asthma up.

I have tried to eat as well as possible, drank loads of herbal tea with honey, taken paracetamol, napped and a completed a bit of quietly productive life admin that needed doing, caught up on some television as well as with several emails and texts from friends and watched almost all of a film early evening before briefly nodding off towards the end!

I had a brief walk to get some fresh air and pick up milk and honey but my fatigue remains very high after a poor night’s sleep and higher fibro pain levels. Thankful that my throat is feeling much better tonight.

Today’s Blip snap is of a Christmas issue of The People’s Friend I spotted today which reminded me of my late gran. She was a big fan of that magazine and of reading in general.

Enjoying the autumnal colours and less rain despite the colder nip in the air.

Hope you all have a good week ahead, need to catch up with journals tomorrow :) xx

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