
By NightOwl45

Restful Sunday

Having a Blip break yesterday recharged my batteries a good bit.

I saw my Mum yesterday. She has just got back from holiday (her first holiday since 1997!). She went with my younger brother, his girlfriend, her Mum, brother, sister, sister-in-law and my brother’s girlfriend’s two nephews. They were away in Argyll and Bute for a week, staying in a holiday village.

Mum said she was exhausted but happy, I was glad to hear that she had enjoyed herself.

Weather has been very dreich today so rested indoors, ate well and read my newspaper with copious amounts of coffee.

Today’s Blip is of the gifts my Mum and family brought me back from holiday - the notepad and pen are from my brother and his girlfriend and the bracelet with my name on is from my Mum. 

I wasn’t expecting them but it was a lovely surprise. I love a pretty pen and this one is from the Charles Rennie Mackintosh museum - I love his designs. The bracelet is personalised with my name on and has a little heart charm, I love it and more so because my Mum is the one who chose my name - I was named after a contestant on Multicoloured Swap Shop!

The pen will hopefully inspire me to write some good poems over the autumn and winter months.

Thank you for all your comments, stars and follows, I will play catch up tomorrow. I need to do my German revision Duolingo lesson before bed, keep the streak going.

I hope you have all had a lovely weekend :) xx

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