Video Conference

Back from Glasgow and later a bit of childminding - the small boy this time.  And he played away very happily (as long as I was there to play with of course), taking a couple of breaks to FaceTime his Mum. Well, she FaceTimed him, I should be clear. Not that he has an iPhone. 
Later we were off to the Traverse. Tickets for Moorcroft which we bought way back in January. National Theatre of Scotland are touring it y’see after it was packing them in at the Tron last year. A kind of partly feel good story about an amateur football team from the eighties which, it is probably hoped, will follow those well loved plays like The Slab Boys or the Steamie into the nation's affections. The acting was great, the physical theatre dance/music side of it terrific (Joy Division aplenty), but blimey did it lose its momentum and its way. Was it a laugh? Or for real? To cross that line back and forth convincingly requires really clever and careful handing. And this didn’t have that. And it was unbelievably (literally) crude. That must have been the part that apparently addresses “toxic masculinity” (how to get yer arts council funding). And of course, there’s mental health in there too. And addiction. And cancer.  I could be more cynical, actually. I mean the reviews were pretty good. There’s a story there too.

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