Busy old day of fun. Got some good chores done this morning before heading out to lunch with a friend I haven't seen for 2 years. Lots of chat and catching up done.. excellent! We have booked in with each other to do some painting together in the spring of next year (fingers crossed) The afternoon saw me picking the last of the quince crop from my kind neighbours tree and these look better than the first lot I think... then tea with another neighbour. That was a tough one as she is going through some troubles and needed support.. challenging but I think (and hope) we made a little progress today and ended our session in a better place. (Phew)
Then book club this evening with full attendance... I have no idea when that last happened.. amazing! Usually only about 3 or 4 of us turn up but this evening we were all there.. hurrah. Good company, good book, good supper and lots of laughter and chat.. (mixed in with a little discussion about the book) it was generally enjoyed and I would recommend it.
The Phone Box at the Edge of the World.
Now.. to bed!
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