
By MumOf4Wildlings

Hanging around

All the wildlings were fed and dresses and out the door by 9am this morning.  I had to nip and get some food shopping on the way to a two hour gymnastics session with PIN.  They had a fantastic time, they were swinging,  jumping,  climbing,  spinning,  and running around.  As you can see from the photos they had a blast. And the jedi flaked out on the way home. 
Nana and grandad came and collected the 3 big wildlings and took them away for a few hour's. Their car isn't big enough for all of them . The jedi did miss them after a while and kept asking " where are my guys " 
When they all got home , I left for a driving lesson.  I did a couple of mock tests and he said he was going to be quite hard on me. I passed one and failed one because of a stupid mistake with my back wheel and a kerb. He said it was a stupid mistake.  I was a bit peeved with myself but he said it was a great drive. Oh well. 

I was out of my comfort zone earlier too when I had to be interviewed from a charity that sponsors PIN. But I'm passionate about what PIN do for families, and she said I gave her goosebumps. 

So it's been a good day. The last proper day of the holidays. Mr R  is away back down to Carlisle now for a work doo, so i will enjoy my crap tv while he's out once the wildlings are in bed. 

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