Blue Hamish

By BlueHamish

Bread doesn't agree with me!

An early morning blip today as I'm off to Norfolk later this afternoon for a weekend in a tepee, so won't get a chance to do a photograph later. Looking forward to this little adventure although the weather isn't looking too promising. Hoping to get a sunset over the tepee type picture but the best day for that looks to be Sunday by when we will be on the road back home.

As the title of this picture says, bread doesn't agree with me. I've pretty much cut it out of my diet. The only real exceptions are the occasional bacon sandwich and hot cross buns (ok, not bread but a bakery product).

This will make our holiday to France interesting as when we stay with Gus and Caroline, its croissant and French bread for breakfast every day.

Rosina and Simon arrived in France OK. I know this because I emailed Matthew and asked. My children are very poor communicators, but in part, that reflects the independence and self reliance. Simon on the other hand has phoned his mum several times and he has been away less than 12 hours!
The umbilical cord has definitely not been cut in this case.

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