
By Lizimagiz

Wires and Vines

This is the vineyard I often walk through with the dogs. It peters out at the northern end and then the land beyond becomes part of the Taylor River track system.
The vineyard area is private property at present but the landowner kindly allows me to walk through it. There is a move afoot to arrange public access along the left side of the vines. That is on the true right bank of the Taylor River. The river itself is off to the left and down a steep bank.
As can be seen, the vines in this vineyard have been pruned and "tied". Each vine has been cut back to two or three branches and then very neatly wound along the wires and secured into place with wire-paper covered ties. It is all very tidy and a little naked with all the wires on show.
The whole scene will change dramatically in a few months when bud burst occurs. That is a good time for some close-up photography using a macro lens.
At the end of the vineyard is an orange coloured tree. It is a wild plum tree and it is still in leaf. I can tell you that the plums from that tree are absolutely delicious. Bring on spring and summer!

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