
By Appreciation

Brick Wall

It's a beautiful wall. Look at the colours and textures. It's viewed through the car window in the rain. Most of this week has been viewed through a window in the rain.

Slowly, we are adjusting to being home, to clear, clean crisp air, to cooking, cleaning, and shopping. The low light levels are so very difficult to get used to. My head is still swimming a bit, and I wake up early. This will pass.

Despite all this, it has been a good week. Cal is out of hospital and home. I can't wait to get my hands on him. We are Covid free, although still tired.

The girl and Laus bought a house this week - the first they put an offer in for, they were very lucky and are super excited. I'm coming to terms with the fact that it's in Dalmeny. So close to where I grew up. I've not spent any time there since my mother passed away. We were asked to go for a 2nd viewing with them. I found it quite difficult to be there, but new memories and happier times will soon change that. Roll on January.

To top it off, Laus had a birthday today. He says it's a big one - he is 30. I tried not to laugh, so much ahead of them.

This wall, back to the wall, has become a place of contemplation. When I return home in the car I park near it. I stare at it, my eyes dancing around the brick shapes, its contours, the colours. I have no idea what I am thinking, but I am thinking. Then suddenly I come to and it's time to move on. It reminds me of how I used to stare at the Forth Rail Bridge and take strength from it. I think it's become a substitute bridge.

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