
By meles


Noticed a couple of new (to me) arrivals in the docks on my way to the market - I actually wondered at first if it was just one very strange vessel, but thanks to AIS the red and white job on the left is the Pacific Despatch (anchor handling) and the yellow thing is beyond it - the Loke Viking, a tug.

I then went up to the allotment to feed the wee blighters, who seemed to be ravenous indeed. I think if I'd have put some suet crumbs on my hand before I put them in the feeder Bob might have dared to take them. Must try that next time. I dug up the last of the Setanta crop - not that numerous, but huge individual tatties. See extra. The biggest one weighs over 400 gm - that's almost a pound in old money. For contrast, the fennel bulb is the largest one I've grown!

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