
By LadyFindhorn

Stobo 2023

It never fails to impress me how much we can eat when the chance presents itself. It seemed no sooner had we had a huge3 course meal last night than we were seated at breakfast time having as much to eat as we wanted.

Three of our number were stoking up on calories for a longish walk along the John Buchan Way while daughter #1 and I were in the pool playing -there was little serious swimming, it was more chatting with the odd somersault and handstand thrown in.
The 6th member who hadn’t slept well last night went back to bed before writing a speech she has to make next week.

Later, two of us went for a walk round the nearby Dawyck Gardens admiring the Maples which had all turned a fiery red and the enormous Redwood trees planted so long ago.
While we were there we got a message to pick up the walkers at Dreva. They had misjudged the time the walk would take in order to be back for lunch.

There will be a cocktail hour tonight before a further assault on our digestive system in the form of dinner. It a case of eat , sleep exercise, repeat

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