
By rat


Another wet day, windy to begin with.
I had to do some washing so now there are drying things draped over radiators, oh for a dry breezy day.
Listened to a talk online from the Baptist Union of Scotland gathering and then did some sewing and tried (unsuccessfully) to sort the overlocker machine.
After lunch it was cross-stitch and finishing the trousers I've been making before going for a 5 mile run. The sun was shining as I got changed and came out briefly a few times while I was out but it also showered a lot, once heavily - so much for the forecast 10% chance of rain. At least it wasn't particularly cold.
The burn is very full, one of the bridges was only just out of water and the ponds have overflowed, but it's nothing like last weekend and there have been enough flood pics. Instead you have a bright tree, and a pale rainbow in the extras.

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