
By rat


Not as wet as expected today though it did rain on and aff all day. 
We decided to go early to Tentsmuir to run as Mr Rat wanted to do a recce of a run he's leading next week. He failed to achieve that as he took a wrong turning having been confused by the lack of trees (casualties of Arwen) and some cars that seemed to be going the wrong way on a track.
I was behind and had been there more recently so I took the right turning then met this puddle, should I or shouldn't I? It was barely raining at this point and my feet were fairly dry so I looked (unsuccessfully) for a way round and got very wet feet but by the time I got back to it it was too late to do my planned route so I just went back. Got in the same sort of distance though.
We then went to the cafe for a second breakfast before returning home and I spent the afternoon doing various sedentary activities.
This evening we attended a national online Scottish Baptist prayer meeting, we had intended to meet in church but several couldn't make it so we joined from home.

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