Dark days...

Deepening tragedy in Gaza. 
I met Loveday, an old friend, at this solidarity rally in the city centre.  Both of us were holding back tears. Jack, Marianna and their two girls were there too, as was Loveday's Jewish partner Dave.
There were details in the speeches that I couldn't agree with; for example, the lazy slating of the BBC for 'never reporting the perspective from Gaza'. This isn't true; there have been heart-rending dispatches from the BBC's own correspondent, a Palestinian living in Gaza with his family.
But these seem like tiny details compared to the enormity of what's happening, especially now that Gaza has been cut off from communications with the outside world.  There was also an excellent contribution from a Jewish speaker, supporting the case for a ceasefire now and for a two-state solution in the longer-term.
I also read this piece by Tom Watson, outlining how the Labour Party leader might make a progressive case for a way forward... This would be so much better than the muted response we've seen so far. I guess I'm casting around for some way to think about a possible future, beyond the current despair.  Here's the piece:


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