
By BoydMcAdam

I’ve got my eye on you

After a coffee morning at a local church and some church correspondence, this afternoon I set to on the garden.

Over the past week the hip which caused me so much pain and discomfort a few weekends ago seems to have settled down and is more manageable with moderate painkillers. As this was a good day I got the front garden weeded, bulbs planted, quince picked, greenhouse further emptied, compost spread (the last with our son’s help). The air was still, the sun shone and it was a lovely autumn afternoon. As the weather is due to deteriorate badly tomorrow it was good to get these things done today and so far, apart from a few small aches, no trouble.

I’d taken a few autumnal photos during the afternoon when late on this robin popped up and paid very close attention to my bulb planting, swooping down from time to time to grab some grubs. He helpfully posed long enough for me to get today’s photo.

An evening of Strictly, rugby and getting depressed by the news.

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