Hilarious evening

Poor quality I know but we had such a fun evening.

Again it was a nasty wet day. #2 daughter asked if they could stay for dinner on their way home. I had already planned to do a thing with a piece of salmon each for #3 daughter, Ella and Nathaniel who were coming in the afternoon to play with the boys and stay the night. I decided I could take some smoked haddock from the freezer and do a fish pie with it and the salmon which would feed 9 instead of the original 5.

Mr C took the boys to see the flooded river and pick up a few things I needed for the extended meal while I busied myself in the kitchen.

When #3, Ella and Nathaniel arrived he wanted to show me a PowerPoint presentation he’d done on his school chrome book about 5 European countries, describing their physical geographic characteristics and interesting facts. I didn’t know cats had rights in Italy and the police drove Lamborghinis, or that beer is considered a food in Bavaria. But I do now.

I cooked onions, carrots, mushrooms, spinach with hard boiled eggs and the fish. I used cream, milk, mustard and cheese for the sauce. I topped it with already cooked potatoes and we also had broccoli and cabbage from the garden.

Only the adults had the starter of leaves, figs and Roquefort with a dressing of fancy balsamic from the local deli.

Pudding was panettone bread, butter and marmalade pudding. Everyone enjoyed it.

The children are at the age (8, 9, 10 and 11) when conversation is such fun. They tease each other and their repartee is clever. When I was their age I had to be seen but not heard.

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