Thank goodness it's Friday! I totally lost the mojo this week! This morning started with a smile which has made up for it!
As I left work the sky was as brilliant as I've seen it for a long time. For once I had my camera with me and, pulling the car over at the cress beds, just caught this scene. Too low for the sun to be shining over the pond, and not a great deal of light at 5am, but just enough to see the coots and moorhens swimming through the light mist rising from the water.
Lady D was around during the week and we've been working on a project. That in itself is very enjoyable but away from that, just about everything that could go wrong did! The Law of Sod was bound to come into it. The week culminated with my losing my bank card. Having to cancel it will slow my spending down for a few days! I just hope I've enough diesel to get to work next week before the new one shows up.
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