
By gennepher


Wildlife nighttime camera
Badger climbs on garden swing & investigates camera...
1 min owl in Procreate.

Yesterday, intense alarm calls from the sparrows on and off all day. I had something to do, so stayed outside well wrapped. The sparrowhawk did at least one fly through, but got nothing. The kestrel was hovering. Then suddenly the little birds went silent and melted into the bushes. I couldn't see anything, then I looked directly upwards. A buzzard was circling above my garden. What was he hoping for? He carried on circling so I checked potting shed and garage roof but nothing there. So, a search of the undergrowth for maybe a dead animal. But nothing.

It was half four later before the buzzard stopped circling immediately above and moved away but still circling...

The little Robin, who is now resident in my garden, comes to my window as soon as daylight comes. And looks at me. So, I have to get out of bed, go outside and put some cat biscuits down. I put Jade's food down as well. I come back in, nearly trip over a small black cat, stray Amy, who appears to have slept in the bungalow last night and wants wet cat food, not the dried stuff. Then she disappears outside for the day. I stumble into the kitchen, and stray ginger cat Merlin leaps off Midnight's chair (which Merlin has claimed for his own). He also requests wet cat food. Amy and Merlin are learning to ask nicely for food, instead of snarling and hissing and clawing at me. Infinite patience is required...

I finally get back in bed with my coffee with cream, and the little Robin is waiting for me by the glass door (outside) and once he sees me he goes and takes another cat biscuit, and flies off. Moments later he is back, looking through the glass door at me again, and once I acknowledge him/or see him there he will go and take another cat biscuit...and so this goes on most of the morning...

I am just pouring a cuppa tea, and Mr Heffalump (wood pigeon) is availing himself of cat biscuits. Was he who the buzzard was after yesterday? Surely it wouldn't have been the tiny sparrows? I wouldn't like that buzzard to catch 'my' wood pigeon. He has been around the last 2 or 3 years. I have grumbled about him often enough, but he is almost like a friend now!

All the sparrows, bluetits, and pied wagtails are happily feeding...

Some starlings just flew over, and the ravens have landed in the cherry trees...

Enjoy your day.

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