Nighttime wildlife videos
Yesterday I grumbled TicTok put some inappropriate music to the fox and badger chasing each other. So, I checked a box on TicTik which said no music...but it has now given me no sound. Can't win...try again tomorrow...
I don't think there is sound on instagram either.
TikTok offered me a 'bargain'. You give us £3 and we will promote your video, and we can guarantee you at least 600 views, I think it said. And then there is a sliding scale of more money more views.
All they have to do is just slide that number counter up to the appropriate number.
I am doing quite nicely without that, thank you TikTok.
My views, apart from one which was a 'miserly' 200+ views (but even that is a blooming substantial number), are between nearly 600 and nearly 1000 views for each video.
Nighttime wildlife videos
Fox eating berries
They are berries on my pink fuschia tree.
Foxy Loxy has been visiting since 2022 (when I first started running the trail cameras).
At the end of this video is a much smaller fox hiding under the garden chair. I have not seen this fox before. I have never seen a fox cub in my garden before.
I am guessing he must've come in with Foxy Loxy, and so maybe his son or maybe his brother.
On instagram
On TicTok
Creative... I am tidying up at the moment and so any paint and paper or odds & ends of things, or odds and ends of paintings I've begun, I will be choosing one of those and finishing it off each day...or creating from scraps.
This is scrunched up layout paper, soaked with different colours, dried, glue down to a postcard, and then a tiny little bit of detail with a black Biro!
Have your best day...
I am doing a here when I'm meant to be there kind of day....
Take care....
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