A damp, cool day
I don't often get Mr and Mrs C together for a photo, but they were both on the deck this afternoon at the same time. I seen them in the trees outside the kitchen window this morning, they came back again this afternoon while things were quiet. The blue jays were busy today gobbling everything they could. The chickadees flit in and out, rarely stopping long enough for a photo. Both squirrels were out there this afternoon, the first time in a couple of months since I seen more than one at a time.
The neighbor's cat sat on the deck for a short time this morning, but without the planters there, he has no place to hide. I picked up Peaches and sat her on the desk. The other cat disappeared quickly when he saw Peaches there.
A couple of month ago I joined another social group. I went out to a few events but didn't really like the organizer. Some of the others that had joined hit it off and they were doing their own thing, plus one of them would post in the group about various events and people were going. But these things were not on the organizers agenda. I guess there was a meeting last night, the organizer ended up walking out. He started canceling events and making all these drama posts today. Then he shut the group down completely. People were starting to question some of his comments. My thoughts on him from the start, he was like a big baby and that he was rude. The ones that got upset with him last night have formed a new group. It will be interesting to see what happens with it.
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