Beauty is all around us.

By Grace55

A beautiful rose.

The Feast Day of Saint Wolfgang of Regensburg.
The rose is from a reduced in price small rose bouquet from the Co op. I was happy to find them and with flower food.
The cold rainy October weather for me at least, means keep doing all the possible indoor and outdoor homemaking tasks. There's a possibility of snow in November but I am trying not to pre worry about what that could mean.
For the time being the main outdoor tasks include making sure the wild birds have sufficient seeds, fat blocks and mealworms.
Paul has bought us a big leaf sweeping rake so I intend to sweep leaves soon.
Paul bravely faced the scan in Preston Royal hospital for his lungs yesterday and it means now waiting and trying not to worry about what they discover.
I hope we all have a good Tuesday. My uncle in Surrey is celebrating being 91 today.
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