Onwards and upwards....

By Yana1

3228. Farewell old friend….

I am saying goodbye to my 5 year old Mac Mini…I bought it second hand and it’s been a brilliant computer but some of my photography software is struggling to work with it and I knew that I would have to upgrade fairly soon.  I wasn’t going to even start looking at a replacement until well into next year but as luck would have it I found a 2023 Mac Mini with an awesome spec available second hand again…so I am trading this one in and buying the newer version tomorrow.  Took me a couple of hours to finish backing it all up and saving any other files to an external hard drive, sign out of iCloud, set up a new user (for them to test it) and then delete my old profile…job done!
I’m sure the restore function will have a few issues (as always happens with a new computer!) but I’m fairly confident I can get it up and running relatively easily.  Hopefully the Time Machine backup will restore all my software too…..and even more importantly, I hope it all works with the new spec!
After yesterday’s shenanigans with my deleted images, I am hoping that everything will all work again…probably with a bit of messing about and a few online or telephone chats with Apple!

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