River of Flowers

By doffy

Tuesday: A Rainbow & a Magic Potion

MrD and I had an early appointment for our COVID-19 jabs this morning, very efficient and painless :-))

Next stop, my friend Merville’s salon to drop off a bag of windfall Bramley apples which I’d promised him when I last visited.

I’d forgotten my shopping list but got a cart full of shopping, including kitten biscuits for the hedgehogs - bumped into an old colleague from the power station, can’t believe it’s 12 years since I retired …

Incidentally, I’m joking about the “Magic Potion” - MrD was looking for a preparation of “Coconut Oil & Tea Tree Oil” for his dry scalp, told him I had the ingredients in my store cupboard and made a sample for him to try … :-)) … my students often accused me of practising witchcraft when I taught computing at the local colleges!!

The hedgehog family appeared just after 4pm for their biscuits, Mum and 3 youngsters which are growing very quickly :-))

Love and hugs to all my family XXXX XXX XX

Nos da pawb / goodnight all xx

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