michigan man

By outdoorguy

Sage (as Sally) with Her Stash

A different Halloween at our house. Lisa usually makes Grandma Helen's BBQ, but this year she wasn't up to it. She is much better following her hernia surgery, but still struggles getting into and out of bed, and hates it when she has to cough or sneeze.

My dad is still in the hospital with kidney issues, but I think he is getting out on Thursday. He is in good spirits, but Lisa and I have been unable to visit.

Meanwhile, my sister Terrie fell in her apartment and got 8 stitches (and 2 black eyes) on her forehead.

Me? With my 2 pulled muscles (back and quad), I still cannot sleep, so that hasn't been much fun. Nothing quite like being awake and  uncomfortable at 3, 4, 5 o'clock in the morning.

Baby Sage (our great-niece) was pretty thrilled with her Halloween outing. I guess she is Sally from the movie The Nightmare Before Christmas. I wouldn't know...I never saw it.

Here's to a better tomorrow.

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