
By lucia13

Mummy, mummy , look who is there!

Hello my friends! I hope everybody is fine. The weather today was a little better, in the morning grey but in the evening sunshine. I was to see my swans eventually. They were down the river so I didn't need to go further away. Really I didn't see the eggs but I would like to go another time and check them.
Still the swans have two babies and they are growing a lot since the last week. They were swimming with their parents . They look very healthy and happy. I am feeling better now. I hope they survive. I only had a chance to take 3 pics. They were swimming too fast and the nettles stopped me following them. I got stung again.
I saw two dears too but it was difficult to take a picture. They were running so fast away from me. One was in my garden jumping the fence and my husband called me in the morning to tell me he was there but when I went to the window he jumped the fence again to another garden and disappeared . Another was next to the river but he did the same and the pic was rubbish..
Thanks everybody for the smile and lovely comments about Mourinho. I am very happy with the comments and made you smile .. Hope he never see this pic ha ha !
Have a nice day and keeping smiling. xx

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