The day to start is today

By Traci

The greatest pleasure in life

is proving those doubters wrong

So it started last week, do you remember the sunshine, lasted for a few weeks?? ANyhoo our pup (8 year old pup) is a bit of a nut case and he likes to find stones in the water .... so the girls got a mini paddling pool filled with water and stones thinking that he would play in it (well put his head in it) and cool himself down slightly. So all done in a good cause.

However, he did take some out ... once.. then got quite annoyed as they put them back again. Now this is a dog that does not fetch a ball as he knows you are just going to throw it again, so no, go get it yourself hethinks, too much of a tiring game. Same with this, once he had sussed what the girls were up to, he just watched and laid down, enjoying the sunshine while 'he' kept the girls amused !!

Since that time, hubby decided it was the perfect watering aid and put some pots in there. And it hasn't moved?? Right in the middle of the walk through to the garden ... So here we have our household water feature, which will probably remain until someone trips over it.

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