The day to start is today

By Traci

The first sign of maturity

is realising the volume button also turns to the left

Emergency Blip day today, but then again it was the highlight of the day (slightly on the dull side I admit but not overly teadious) when I was given the magazine by the returning 'Will Smith end of the earth thingy' film buffs and realised it is LESS THEN TWO WEEKS TO SEE .... ta da da .... Despicable me TWO. Even better the minions are getting their own film (don't they look like the little Kinder egg suprise containers??) which will be out next year, as if it all wasn't exciting enough.

Pringles (roast chicken, really don't rate them) cup of milky tea and an early night after a little too much time on the old PC today. Hubby nearly slept in for nights, while we all debated for half an hour whether he had slept in , he came thundering down the stairs shouting 'I've slept in !!' So yes was the answer to that one. I still after so many years feel guilty when we all get to go to sleep all tucked up and he's out there looking after everyone, but I will hope he has a quiet night tonight and think I may fall asleep quite promptly.

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