
By mambo

Now and Then

Think l won’t be the only one in the U.K. who has made an abstract of fallen leaves today, they are everywhere.
I used PhotoSpiralysis to make my image.
Somehow it reminded me of looking down on the world so l added some colour and a few stars.
Reminded me what a beautiful planet we live on but what on earth are humans doing to it - war, intolerance and global warming. Constant thoughts to all those suffering.

Went to ballet, then coffee before rushing home to hear Now and Then - the last recording ever of a Beatles song, it gave me tingles to listen to it and have listened to it on Spotify a few times.
Have listened to the podcast Era on BBC Sounds: six episodes about the biggest artists in the world.
The final episode just released to explain how the track was made.
Lots of memories for me as l was one of the few who ever saw them play live. Can’t say l heard them as everyone was screaming including me. Still have the ticket somewhere. I didn’t know Mr P then but he was there the same night. We had both sat on the same row which we thought was amazing, less amazing when we realised l had gone the early concert and he went to the later one. Couldn’t imagine any current musical group doing two concerts back to back!

Rebecca has let me know she has taken Kitty back to the doctor , they have now been sent to the hospital for further tests to get to the bottom of what is wrong with her. 
I won’t know any more until Rebecca has some news for me,  so l must be patient ,  something l am not terribly good at.

Update 5pm, Blood and other tests satisfactory, so appendicitis ruled out. They are back home and it just needs monitoring for the moment.

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