Carol's ramblings

By Lucari


Started another crochet session today - 6 weeks, working on quick items particularly for winter.  Started a mug warmer, using lemon stitch.

Popped into the supermarket to pick up some bubbles - today hubby and I made our last payment on our mortgage!  Anything for a celebration.  Obviously back in 1983 when we took the mortgage out, we didn’t envisage the two weddings we supported and other expenditures over the years.  It’s a good feeling though.

Boys came over after school, mummy had to go to Caleb’s parents evening.  Austin off school today, daughter managed to get him an appointment with the GP, thinks he has an infection but not sure where so on a short course of anti biotics.  

Committee meeting tonight, finished in good time.  Then spend the evening on the computer, carried away with family tree ……


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