
By ZE1Christie

Lena's 13th Birthday

A mix day of showers at times, windy at times, sunshine in the afternoon and sunset, calm tonight.

Day off and up early.  Dropped Sammy off at Madeline's.  Met mam in Lerwick, we attended an old family friend's funeral, Jeemie Winchester.  A lovely service.  We headed for lunch at the Olive Tree after.  The afternoon and early evening was spent putting up plasterboard in the bedroom.  Headed down to mam's this evening, we picked up Laura and headed over to see Jonny and family.  They weren't in at first, so a cuppa with Ruth's mam, Janetta, while we waited.   Walkies with Sammy, then feet up. 

Good to see the family this evening, and deliver presents to Lena, who turned 13 yesterday.  She's the youngest in my immediate family, and now she's a teenager.  Lena is such a lovely lass, she was delighted to have us down.  Sadly Michaela and Isaiah were working.  At back L-R - Me, Jonny, Alex and Laura.  Lena seated with mam and dad.  Taken at their home, Bigton.  

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