
By KathyH58

Sandhill cranes

I started the day early and went chasing the sunrise. Started in Eastern Passage, then went to Cow Bay and Rainbow Haven Beach. The best photos were from Cow Bay. By the time I got to Rainbow Haven it was golden hour and I got a couple of good photos of the marsh.
People were still reporting that the sandhill cranes that have been in the Milford area all summer were still there so I decided to head that way to see if I could find them. They were about 75 - 100 feet away from the road, so they were easy to spot and get some photos. My first time seeing them.
At home I had robins back feeding on the berries, a northern flicker, grackles, blue jays, morning doves, chickadees and a white breasted nuthatch. Unfortunately I left one of the feeders out last night and the raccoons damaged it. At least when I put the seeds on the railing there is nothing left for them by the time they get here after dark.
Still trying to decide what to do tomorrow, Miners Marsh? Further up the valley? The south shore?

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