
By soozsnapz

Imperial Walk

A suburban road about a mile further out of the centre from where I live.  Nice and quiet - as it doesn’t lead anywhere. I was here because it was a place to park while I went to the carpet shop - a little local shop where they are very friendly, and can give you good advice if you want it. I had a good look and found a new carpet for my bedroom, and new vinyl for the kitchen.  Hooray. My current bedroom carpet is over 30 years old - a lovely  colour but very worn. And  I discovered that carpets are now really expensive.  
In the evening I watched a film on BFI streaming, called Scrapper, with my friends in Orkney.  A 12 year old east London girl, whose mum has just died, tries to carry on alone in their flat, hoodwinking social workers and teachers. Life is really precarious though. Then her father - who she’s never met - turns up.  He’s more of a child than she is in some ways.  They have to try to build a relationship. It’s described as heart-warming, but I think we all felt pretty anxious some of the time.  

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