Trixie's Adventures

By TrixieTheCollie

The bestest day ever...................

This morning when I woke up, I only went for a little toileting walk, because just after 9am, look who came to take me for my walk.......................... Joe & Kirsty. Yay! I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Joe & Kirsty.

When Joe & Kirsty first used to take me out, I was a bit anxious. For the first part of my walk, I always used to look back at our flats to see if Ann was also coming with us. Ann was always a bit anxious too, because she is a bit of a paranoid Collie pup mummy, so she always spies on me from the window. I'm not anxious anymore because I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE, Joe and Kirsty. They always take me to really nice places and are always really kind to me. Look how nicely I'm walking with them in this Blip. I'm not looking for my human at all am I? That's because I totally trust Joe & Kirsty to look after me properly.

This morning they took me up the Braid Hills. It was fab. I got a bit muddy (and my ball got even more muddy) but I didn't get into trouble when I got home, because there's been so much rain recently that Ann totally understands that it's not my fault if I get muddy. She just dried me and (washed my ball) then I went straight into my bed for a snooze.

This afternoon she took me down to Cramond so that I could have another hour of walks somewhere where I could keep clean. Lol!

It's been a bit of exhausting day..................... I've been snoozing in my bed since about 3pm.

Ann's been out & met up with the 'Wonderful Women of Wilkies' (where she used to work) for early evening dinner & drinkies..................... And I'm still snoozing in my bed.........................

As I say....................... Today has been the bestest day ever for a gorgeous little Collie pup. Unfortunately I think I'm just about to get woken up to go for my bed time wee. Oh well, ho hum, I guess, even little Collie pups can't snooze forever.

Goodnight Blippers. xxx

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