By greengirl


If I was planning my send off, I’d like there to be fireworks and some singing, with a bonfire and a sky full of stars. We had all of those today, and an aurora as well, but I’m still here to enjoy it all.

Joe and I went out this afternoon to see “Joseph and the Amazing Tecnicolour Dreamcoat” performed by the Dumfries Musical Theatre Company. I knew all the songs as we learned them at school.It was a fun production.

We went food shopping afterwards and then I took Joe home and was on my way back when I heard The Most Almighty Bang…and stopped the car. It was an unexpected firework display and I couldn’t resist. I abandoned the car and ran off to watch.

Back here at last, the tea is on the table.

The photo is an unexpected dandelion clock from this morning’s walk :-)

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