River of Flowers

By doffy

Sunday: Horse Chestnut Tree

Light showers when we got up, very chilly - temperature barely in double figures, rain arrived mid afternoon and continued into the night … still raining at bedtime :-(

Had a very lazy day, reading most of the day.

Experimented with cooking pizza in the Actifry for our tea, MrD has gluten free pizza bases and I made a pasta sauce and grated some cheddar - it was actually very nice and I’ll have another go at it … might even get round to making some chips too, next time …!

The Horse chestnut tree in our garden has been the subject of 2 telephone conversations today, it still has most of its leaves and they have only started to change colour :-))

Love and hugs to all my family XXXX XXX XX

Nos da pawb / goodnight all xx

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