Dark waters
This is the river Frome, looking full of autumn swell. I took this picture yesterday, on my walk, but today I was mostly in the office with a client of mine who'd got himself into a spot of bother and was threatening to end it all of things don't go his way when he goes to court (I'm guessing they won't). In the end I called the duty doctor in our practices, who told me to call the duty doctor at the client's practice. The second GP told me that the client was acting true to form, and thanked me for my call.
So that's been pretty much it. Got the bus home in the dark, walked through the cemetery with my phone- torch on. Watched TV, read magazines.(a month's worth had arrived at once, such are the vagaries of our postal.service), made supper out of store cupboard essentials.
And you won't want to know about the mouse's nest we discovered today. It fell to Steve to clear it up. The little rodents had also nibbled through some of my spice packets. Now I'm going to have to clear out my entire spice collection. To be fair, it's been a long time since I made anything more exotic than a cinnamon-dusted hot chocolate. Mice, it seems, do not like cinnamon.
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