
By Nettenet

Butter wouldn’t melt

I had an appointment this morning and then headed straight to Sims to pick up O.  He hadn’t been sick since Saturday but wasn’t quite himself yet.  When I arrived Sim and Nat were heading off to hospital as Nat had been sick through the night, although just bile and fluid (ie not her dinner lol).  Could it be the start of labour?

They put her on a drip to rehydrate her and made sure it stayed down and also said she was having quite regular contractions which she thought was Braxton Hicks.  Anyway they got home around 6pm.

Whether it’s because he’s been under the weather or can sense baby brother will be here soon but O wasn’t in a great mood today.  Unusually, he was grumpy, defiant and pretty destructive by throwing everything around.  He went to bed fine and fingers crossed he wakes up in a better mood :-D

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