
By Nettenet


To a doorstep blip.

No blip taken yesterday (Saturday).  A chilled day and Josh & Natalie popped over.  First time we had seen them since their engagement.  They were looking after O on Friday and had plans to take him out on Saturday.  After a nice afternoon on Friday, O was violently sick in his cot and they ended up taking him home.  Poor O and Josh was gutted as he loves seeing him.  In the evening I Met B in Wimbledon village for dinner.  She is moving next week to Wiltshire.  I hope to pop in and see her on my travels to and from Cornwall and hopefully other times too.

Sunday ~. Josh had cleaned the travel cot after Os sickness but suggested I gave it another scrub which I did in the garden.  I also repotted an indoor plant.  Otherwise a nothing sort of day.  We also gave fireworks near Sim a miss this year.

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