
By WhiskyFoxtrot

A Pair of Blue Eyes

Slept in (luxury!), meandered around the flat, messages, called my cousin. This last task may be ordinary to some but this particular cousin spent 20 plus years as a nun in a contemplative order and it's still a great novelty to me that I can now just call her on the telephone without seeking divine intervention.

The sky had turned a shade of menacing as I headed out to the Summer Pop-Up Market at the Dalriada on the Prom. There was a good crowd and an excellent selection of artists and artisans.

I was particularly taken with the work of A Pair of Blue Eyes. I could have bought everything she had. I settled on a card and this mug and drew up some courage and asked if I could take her photograph. I explained about Blip and she couldn't have been sweeter, even suggesting places with better light.

Jenni is holding the mug she made and I bought. I've had two cups of tea and a hot chocolate in it and it's officially my new favourite mug.

I looked up Jenni's website for this blip and see that she's a great photographer, too, which shows even more how kind and gracious she was with my stumblings.

Edinburgh Blipicnic

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