
By WhiskyFoxtrot

The Luxury of High-Rise Living

A lovely day:
Not too much work at the day job;
A lovely lunch with a colleague/writer/fellow North American.

Dr T and I then helped a friend fix up a new flat. He and his partner are splitting up but they are trying to make it as easy as they can. His flat is near the family home and will have bedrooms for the kids. He's made a big effort at making the bedrooms special so that the kids know they are loved and cared for wherever they are.

Despite the sad circumstances, I like the idea of creating a home nearly from scratch. Our friend has some family furniture that had been in storage and is ready to be used and loved again. Having said that, it's awfully nice to come back to our cosy home.

I was to meet Dr T and our friend but I got the address back to front and ended up at these flats. I was struck by this fellow leaning out of the window to make his call, seemingly oblivious to the cables swinging to and fro.

I had hoped to take a portrait today and I did take several shots of my luncheon companion but the ones where his eyes weren't closed just didn't do him justice. I'm beginning to wonder if I should get an actual camera. I started on a Kodak Instamatic and then inherited my brother's Nikon FE. I loved that camera and it still takes good pictures. I tried a dslr but found that the weight of it put me off carrying it around all the time. Might anyone have some suggestions for a good starter, lightweight dslr?

Happy Friday lovely blippers

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