Tree Sparrow (Passer montanus)
An emergency blip. As always I took a few shots first thing "just in case". Well, those few shots were actually two shots. As the day turned out those were the on;ly shots I took.
In the afternoon we were treated to a talk at the Social Club, given by a local Doctor. The talk was about his work with the Great North Air Ambulance and BEEP organisation. Both organisations aim to bring A and E to the patient rather than the other way round. He quoted the startling fact that a soldier standing on a land mine (or similar damage) has a 93% chance of surviving, however, a UK resident suffering similar damage say in a car crash or bombing has only a 40% survival rate. So what makes the difference? The difference is the soldier has Doctors attending to him very quickly whereas the civilian has to wait until they reach AE and possibly even then. He stressed this did not denigrate paramedics work in anyway, the Doctors can give treatments paramedics can't.
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