By greengirl


Here is the forest where I walk regularly with Jess. In this photo, we are on our way home and passing through an area of ancient woodland with some lovely oak trees to the right (conifer plantation to the left). Jess knows that this area is home to squirrels, deer and rabbits so she has stopped in case it's worth chasing any.

I took advantage of today's sunny weather to do some more pottering about in the garden. Trying to divert the water which runs through the wood away from the lawn. In Victorian times (or maybe earlier) there were ceramic pipes which did this, but they  are blocked or broken and the lawn can get very wet in winter.

Phone calls and messages backwards and forwards as my Dad is in hospital with a urological problem. He's much better today and should be home tomorrow :-) It's at times like these that I feel so far away.

I cooked some roasted cauliflower with quinoa for tea and we ate it with some vegan haggis leftover from the cafe.

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