By greengirl


Fiona and I took a walk up to the Striding Arches with Jess and Archie today. The Arches, designed by Andy Goldsworthy, are 7 miles up the glen from Moniaive, and I'm glad Fiona was driving, because the road is very narrow and rough with plenty of potholes. We were the only walkers, and the weather was pretty dreich to begin with, but on our descent from Colt Hill, the sun came out and we had a view of the surrounding hills.
See my extra for a photo of the arch on Colt Hill.

It must be over 10 years since I was last here, and the trees have grown so much taller that the whole landscape looked different.

We visited the Byre with its carved names of past shepherds and imagined how different life would have been then. Now the land is home to trees, wind farms and walkers rather than shepherds and sheep.

I am writing this quickly as its choir tonight and I need to eat before I go.

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